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Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care removes stress and damage from the nervous system so your body can heal itself naturally. Adjustments can improve the mobility of the spine, restore range of motion, and increase muscle movement. Care has been shown to reduce inflammation and promote healing throughout the body.

Medications just mask symptoms. They can also cause side effects. Our approach gets to the root of the issue. We’ve helped many practice members get off medications and heal from the inside out.

Safe and Gentle Care for the Whole Family

Chiropractic is recognized as one of the safest non-invasive therapies available for muscle, bone, and joint complaints. Many practice members feel immediate relief following an adjustment. Some may experience mild soreness, just as you might after exercising. This minor discomfort typically fades within 24 hours.

At Live Well Chiropractic, we use state-of-the-art techniques like extremity adjusting and a low-force (tonal) approach. We don’t twist or “crack” your spine. Instead, we use an instrument called the Arthrostim, which uses soft tapping to balance, soothe, and restore vital nerve flow. Our adjustments are gentle enough to put you to sleep, yet effective enough to make major health improvements.

Doctor adjusting child

How We Can Help

Dr. Kris and his team have over 25 years of training and experience in helping practice members relieve pain, prevent injuries, and achieve total health. We can help with everything from neck pain and limited movement to chronic stress and “fight-or-flight” syndrome.

Subluxations, or blocked nerves, can limit your brain’s ability to communicate with the rest of your body. As adjustments remove interference from the nervous system, practice members often experience better digestion, fewer illnesses, more energy, and less brain fog. Regular care can even help improve thyroid function and boost your ability to regulate hormone levels.

Patient Testimonials

  • Mary had back trouble when she first came to Live Well (23 years ago) and has not had back trouble since. I did a weight loss program with Live Well and lost 50lbs! I am currently being treated for a knee injury with S-Wave and adjustments. “Preventative care is much more preferable than waiting until it’s too late. Natural remedies are much better.
    - Mary R.
  • When I first came I was having trouble even walking. I was in my second trimester of pregnancy and was experiencing severe headaches. All of my issues have been resolved and my health is better than I could have imagined. Chiro is my favorite because it keeps my immune system functioning at a high level.
    - Kendra
  • I am feeling well enough to get out and enjoy time with my kids. Pain relief and off meds! I have more energy and much needed relief to do the things I enjoy.
    - Jacquelyn
  • I am able to go about my daily routine with more flexibility and less pain. My favorite service is chiro. I come every week so I can keep the health benefits I have gained.
    - Deb
  • [I am thankful for] no more migraines! Sleeping much better and have energy to function throughout the day. Chiro has been so helpful with overall health and getting rid of headaches.
    - Sarah
  • My alignment was so bad I walked like one leg was several inches shorter. Now I walk totally normal!
    - Gloria
  • The pain in my right leg and hip is much less which enables me to go up steps easier and get in and out of my car better. I am so thankful for Ashley and her recommendations. After seeing so many medical doctors who only wanted me to take anxiety medicine, Ashley has me on the road to recovery.
    - Bonnie
  • Thankful to still be able to hike and run. I’ve done chiro and nutrition and both have been beneficial. Chiro has helped me feel better overall and nutrition has helped me eliminate frequent heartburn.

    - Kevin
  • Due to plantar fasciitis, sciatic nerve issues, and frequent migraines, Kristine endured long and painful workdays and couldn’t go anywhere. Because of Live Well, “I can stand and walk comfortably, and I no longer worry about how long I will be on my feet or what shoes I am wearing. Migraines are gone and I have the knowledge to help relieve the causes now”
    - Kristine D.
  • It’s been so nice to be headed in the right direction with my neuropathy. I have very little drawing of my toes, much less pain, zero shocking sensations and tingling. Before I started I really didn’t think there was any hope that I’d ever be normal again. Now I have more than hope, I know if I stay the course I’ll be better.
    - Barbara R.
  • I am thankful that I am able to move freely throughout the day without pain. Also, thankful my sick days are minimal. I love getting regular adjustments!
    - Marlee
  • I am thankful that at age 61 I’m still fairly flexible and in pretty good overall health. The knee I injured in a motorcycle accident has gotten stronger since coming to Live Well.
    - Troy
  • Glenna suffered with back pain, could not go for walks and didn’t go out much. Because of Live Well, she can walk and move better, has a better attitude since she can do more, and is going to more places.
    - Glenna
  • Valerie suffered with vertigo most of her life, had sinus issues, and backaches that made it hard to function. She now feels great, has lots of energy and no vertigo for years!
    - Valerie
  • I am thankful that at 66, I’m still working full time and enjoy good health.
    - Pete
  • Before Live Well, John had limited range of motion in his neck and head. It was hard to turn his head while driving. Since Live Well, John has had improved range of motion, reflux symptoms eliminated, reduced leg cramps at night, and decrease in medications.
    - John
  • I can see improvement in how my back feels, I feel like chiropractic is making a difference. I have less pain and my movement is getting better.
    - Karen S.
  • My back pain use to be so debilitating that I wasn’t the only one suffering, it was everyone else around me too. Live Well has been such a blessing to correcting my issues and making me feel my best for everyone.
    - Natasha
  • Lauren struggled with headaches and neck pain daily, with at least one migraine every week before Live Well. “It affected more than I thought. I was always only one bad headache away from having to lay down in a dark room.” Since Live Well, Lauren doesn’t have daily headaches, her neck pain is more controllable, and all around feels better.
    - Lauren
  • I am thankful for being healthy in general. A life without chronic illness is a real blessing.
    - Megan
  • I am getting better sleep and my allergies have improved greatly.
    - Luke
  • Mindy could not turn her neck due to have brain decompression in 2010. She suffered from horrible debilitating headaches and severe back and leg pain. Since Live Well, Mindy has full range of motion in my neck, her headaches are minimal, and back and leg pain are all but gone. “It is important to take care of yourself and don’t put off chiropractic sessions. They work wonders.
    - Mindy
  • [I am thankful] that I was able to lose the weight I needed to lose to get a knee replacement and I am able to walk better. I can accomplish daily tasks without having to sit. I can tolerate standing for 10 hours without being in extreme pain.
    - Tawnya
  • Marissa had back and neck pain and was not sleeping well. She wasn’t sleeping much, and it was affecting her everyday life activities and her mood to enjoy things. Now, she gets more sleep, is enjoying doing things outside with her family and is happier.
    - Marissa
  • I am thankful my body could grow and now nourish my baby. Before starting Live Well I couldn’t manage the stress in my life. I’ve been getting weekly chiro appointments for 5 years and have felt overall better.
    - Mackenzie
  • Linda had horrid backaches, couldn’t sleep, and could hardly move some days before Live Well. Since starting care at Live Well, Linda’s health is so much better. “I fall asleep so easily now. I eat vegetables and drink more water. I can walk in the mornings and sometimes evenings also, I couldn’t do that before
    - Linda T.
  • Before Live Well, Kathleen was in pain all day, every day for almost a year. She could only work a shift before crying and she didn’t have energy to do anything extra. Since Live Well, her A1C is down, her weight is down, her energy is up, and her attitude is better.
    - Kathleen
  • Before Live Well, Justin had joint pain in his knees, stiff and sore neck, bad allergies, and back pain. It was hard to be motivated, lacked energy, and was just going through the motions of life. Since Live Well, Justin has no more allergies, can walk a mile or 2 a day again, is pain free, feels taller and has lost weight. “I feel the best I have pretty much my whole adult life.”

    - Justin
  • Ben suffered from extreme pain related to sciatica. The pain made it difficult to carry out everyday tasks associated with his day job as well as his business doing lawncare and landscaping. The pain played a huge part in how he functioned daily. “My body physically feels 100% different since starting treatment at Live Well.
    - Ben H.

Care For All Ages

We even provide safe care for pregnant women and kids. Routine care helps manage prenatal pain and establish pelvic balance, giving your baby as much space as possible to grow. Adjustments can also help babies and kids with chronic ear infections, colic, and gut issues.

Book Your Visit Now

Step into your best health yet. Schedule your visit now.

Chiropractic Care | (814) 624-0606