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Functional Nutrition

With Ashley Duppstadt

Ashley DuppstadtAfter 16 years of experience as a skin health expert, Ashley transitioned to functional health after facing her own health challenges. What began as seemingly random skin issues soon escalated into complex health struggles, including insomnia, digestive problems, muscle spasms, brain fog, and uncontrollable anxiety. These challenges left her bedridden, relying on her mother-in-law for support.

Desperate for answers, Ashley consulted with multiple doctors and a battery of tests yielded “normal” results, a stark contrast to her daily reality. Her breakthrough came from a functional health practitioner who uncovered high toxicity levels and compromised drainage pathways. Armed with a diagnosis of mold toxicity, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), and chronic Lyme disease, Ashley began a rigorous detoxification journey, experiencing substantial improvements step by step.

After her long struggle to regain her health, her mission is to help individuals unearth the root causes of their health imbalances with a particular focus on addressing autoimmunity. Partnering with the team of doctors at Live Well Chiropractic, she offers a variety of services including:

  • Order tests, bloodwork, food sensitivity, gut mapping, hormonal panels
  • Bloodwork interpretation from other sources for nutrition imbalances
  • Zyto computerized nutritional analysis of your body
  • Coaching program that meets weekly or bi-weekly, in person or virtual
  • Works with blood sugar, heart, hormonal and weight loss issues
  • NEW product line! CellCore rebalances gut problems and improves lymphatic flow

Patient Testimonials

Working with Ashley for one month, I was able to take 3 workout classes in one week and experienced no pain from osteoarthritis! ~ Carolyn V

I was dealing with so many gut issues and sinus drainage when I first started. Since working with Ashley, it has been the first time that I can remember having a normal digestive system!!! ~ Cindy M.

I lost 22 lbs and as a side effect also noticed I have more energy and nail health has improved. ~ Diana H.


Functional Nutrition | (814) 624-0606